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Third Place 2008

In 2008 The Positive Way held a "Love Assurance" contest with the objective of finding out what people had to say about creating and/or sustaining love in their lives.

The third place entry:

I believe that one of the most important things in my relationship with my husband is communication. We were together for four years before we married and moved in together but we were best friends for a year before we even started dating. That was the best thing that ever happened to our relationship. We built a really strong bond based on friendship and trust and we could really talk to one another. What's more we really liked one another and we enjoyed spending time with each other. That hasn't changed. He's my best friend and knows me inside and out and we still go out on dates just to talk and just ask each other how we are doing. We also had our share of arguments when we were dating but I am so grateful for that because by the time we got married we had already been there, done that. We've had a pretty easygoing marriage, no real bumps in the road yet but I'm hoping that it will stay that way because we continue to keep the lines of communication open. If I ever don't want to talk to him, then that's when I know we need some time alone to just reconnect. Well, we've been married for ten years and have been together for fourteen and I believe we'll make it!!!

Melina Ryter, author


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