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Haste Management


I passed a sign one day that said “Waste Management”.  Instantly the thought flashed through my mind that what I needed was “haste management”. Throughout the remainder of that day I kept thinking about how over-stuffed my days were. I was staying so busy that I didn’t even have time to think.  I just kept moving from one activity to the next all day.  That’s when I realized I had to set aside some personal time to contemplate the reasons for this constant state of activity I was existing in.

I was trying to fill each moment of the day and late hours of the night with activity so that I wouldn’t have time to ponder my current state of existence.  I was in an unhappy relationship. And, I was in physical pain from pushing myself to maintain such a busy schedule. It was only after making myself take time to analyze my situation that I realized how desperately I needed to make some life changing decisions.

When I began to explore the reasons for my over-filled calendar I realized that part of the reason was that I had forgotten how liberating it can be to simply say “No” when too many people make demands on my time. But, when I continued to look inside myself I realized that I was allowing these demands to consume my time so that I could avoid thinking my problems. It was as if I thought that by staying busy I could outrun the misery, unhappiness, and fear that I was trying to deny existed.  Of course, it simply doesn’t work that way.

I made a commitment to myself that day to slow down the pace of my existence and to begin living a healthier, happier lifestyle. I started purposefully making time for myself each day.  I used this time to get reacquainted with my heart, my dreams, and my goals. I also used this time to devise a plan of action that would take me out of the unhappy situation I was in and allow me to pursue a different path.

I learned from this experience that in order to establish and maintain a loving, lasting, satisfied, and devoted relationship, I have to be comfortable with myself.  I have to know who I am and what I believe. A relationship between two people grows and thrives when those two people give the best of themselves to each other. Their goals, dreams, and desires blend and compliment each other as their hearts lovingly and passionately securely connect.

I haven’t had any haste management problems since I followed through with the plans I set in motion a change that day.  I no longer simply exist. I am living life and enjoying it.  I take time to notice and appreciate the simple things in life that I was missing while hurrying through each day. And, I finally got to know myself well enough to establish a relationship with the right person to share the rest of my life with.

I have seen a scenario very similar to mine occur with my friends.  Whenever they are dissatisfied with their professional life and especially when they are in an unhappy relationship, they begin to fill their days with so much activity that they don’t have time to think about the situation they’re in. Just from my personal experience, I suggest that any time you begin over-extending yourself in order to avoid having time to access your situation you seek some personal time and contemplate the following questions: 

  1. Have I forgotten that it’s okay to say “No”?
  2. Why am I avoiding moments of solitude?
  3. What am I running from?

Answering these questions honestly will help you make choices and decisions that will lead you back to your authentic self that you have lost touch with. 

This article won second place in the 2009 Positive Way Relationship and Self Development Contest. Written by Veronica H.

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