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First Place 2008

In 2008 The Positive Way held a "Love Assurance" contest with the objective of finding out what people had to say about creating and/or sustaining love in their lives.

The winning entry:

Love is a journey, much like traveling in a foreign land. There are certain obstacles you will face and you need survival gear to deal with these and prevent diverging from your path. Things you should bring include the relationship map, the commitment compass and a bottle of spice.

The relationship map involves the qualities you and your loved one possess, and are in search of. If you aim to have a successful relationship in any manner, you must be your best self and portray your values of what you are seeking in a relationship honestly and openly in order to receive these qualities in return.

The commitment compass navigates you through he various stages of commitment through a relationship. You must be patient and not set threatening ultimatums. As the seasons change, so does a relationship and you must be open to various levels of commitment.

The bottle of spice helps keeps things interesting. It is the love notes you leave in your beloved’s wallet or purse, the candlelight dinners and the walks on the beach.

The main thing you should not bring on this journey is relationship baggage. Not one can carry or manage it, and it should be left closed in some closet.

Meryl Joseph, author


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