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Fifth Place 2008

In 2008 The Positive Way held a "Love Assurance" contest with the objective of finding out what people had to say about creating and/or sustaining love in their lives.

The fifth place entry:

I use the advice my mom gave me the day I was married 25 years ago. She told me to always treat my husband the same way I would trade my best friend in the world. Each day I wake up grateful to have in my life and show him in little ways. I always tell him I love him and appreciate who he is and what he does for me. I also make sure to accentuate the positive and when he makes mistakes I remember how hard he tried in the first place. I am always there to listen to his hopes and dreams as well as his fears. Things he tells me in private stay in my heart and home and are never told to anyone else. I treat him as I would my best friend as in my heart he is the best friend I have ever had and I believe that is why we have been married for 25 years and hopefully will be married for another 50.

Laura Emerson, author


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